> 春节2024 > 过年了都要准备什么呢英语














Spring Festival is approaching, and families will do some preparations, such as cleaning, making arrangements for New Year goods, and pasting couplets. These are all part of the traditional customs. According to the data, before the Spring Festival, families in China will clean their houses thoroughly to welcome the New Year and get rid of any bad luck. It is believed that a clean house will bring good fortune and blessings for the coming year.


All the members of my family are making preparations for the New Year. As per the statistics, the preparations for the Spring Festival in China involve various activities, such as cleaning the house, buying New Year goods, and decorating the house with red lanterns and couplets. These preparations are not only a way to welcome the New Year but also an important tradition that symbolizes prosperity and good luck.


During the Spring Festival, it is a common practice for every household to clean and tidy up the house and prepare New Year goods. According to a survey, the cleaning process usually takes about an hour, depending on the size of the house. As for preparing New Year goods, people usually purchase various items such as food, clothes, and gifts. This not only meets the needs of the family members but also adds a festive atmosphere to the celebration.


Today, I am going to do Spring Festival shopping with my mother. Shopping for New Year goods is an important part of the preparation for the Spring Festival. People usually buy a variety of items, such as food, drinks, snacks, and gifts. It is not only a way to prepare for the upcoming celebration but also an opportunity to bond with family members and share the joy of the festival.


My favorite festival is the Spring Festival. Because once the Spring Festival comes, everywhere is filled with joy and a festive atmosphere. According to the survey data, the Spring Festival is the most important and widely celebrated traditional festival in China. It is a time for family reunions, delicious food, and various cultural activities. It brings people together to share happiness and blessings.


In China, the Spring Festival is a major holiday. Before the Spring Festival, we need to clean the house thoroughly and prepare New Year goods. It is a tradition to clean the house before the Spring Festival to sweep away the bad luck from the previous year and welcome the good luck of the coming year. As for preparing New Year goods, people usually buy a variety of items, such as food, clothes, decorations, and gifts, to ensure a prosperous and lucky start to the new year.


During the New Year, there are many things we can do to celebrate. For example, we can let off firecrackers (放鞭炮), which is believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck. Another activity is pasting spring couplets (贴春联) on the door, which is a way to express good wishes for the coming year. In addition, watching the Spring Festival gala on TV (看春节晚会) is a popular tradition, as it brings joy and entertainment to people\'s homes. Spending time with family and friends, enjoying delicious food, and exchanging red envelopes filled with money (发红包) are also important customs during the New Year.


Here is a shopping list for the Spring Festival:

  • A pack of laundry detergent - 洗衣粉一包
  • Edible oil - 食用油
  • Quick-frozen food - 速冻食品
  • A box of eggs - 鸡蛋一盒

This shopping list includes essential items for the Spring Festival, such as cleaning supplies and food. It is important to make sure you have everything you need for the festivities and gatherings during this special time of the year.